If you are hosting for the holiday season this year, maintaining a guest-ready bathroom is probably on your to-do list!

Since the guest bathroom is always the most visited room, I wanted to deck it out for the holidays. Our bathroom incorporates an outdoorsman holiday theme. My husband and I agreed that the front area would be his home for all things outdoors, which includes the bathroom. So, that's why our decor is outdoor/rustic themed for our guest bathroom.
Today, I'm sharing with you some great ideas on how you can decorate your guest bathroom and powder room for the holidays.
Easy Ideas for Decorating a Guest Bathroom for the Holidays
1. Add a Christmas tree in the bathroom. Yes, I know, crazy right? Confession: For little boy guests who might "accidentally" miss, having a Christmas tree right in front of the toilet might force them to sit down to do the deed. Just sayin'.
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