Do you decorate the bathroom for Christmas? I always do this one on the main floor because it’s seen when anyone walks down the hall to get in or out of our home. It’s also the one guests use, so why not make it pretty? I purchased two rolls of ribbon to get the look and that’s it.

I had an extra wreath, you know one of those cheap $5 artificial pine wreaths that every craft store sells, hanging around the basement so I used it over the mirror. I figured it doesn’t get used as an everyday bathroom so why not cover it up. There’s still room in the middle of the wreath to check my lipstick when I leave the house so that’s good enough for me.
To add a little more color to the countertop I found a pedestal dish that I added ornaments and fresh cedar too, and I looked through my hand clothes for any in red, green and white for hand drying towels.
Bathrooms are the hardest rooms to photography by the way, I just can’t get into the right position to get good shots. The room isn’t huge, it does have the washer and dryer behind the door but it’s still not spacious for picture taking. No matter how many times I crawled into the tub it was still impossible to get a good pic of the vanity.
Here’s where the two rolls of ribbon were used. 10 ornaments, 10 various lengths of ribbon equal one decorated show curtain. Easy as can be, right? I didn’t even measure the ribbon I just held it up, cut off a length, tied one end to the ornament and the other to the shower curtain hook, and called it good. Sometimes I think the less planned the better it actually turns out.
Do you remember this cola crate I used on my porch this year? Well it found it’s way inside for winter. I have 3 of these artificial trees and I use them every year in some part of the house. They fit just perfectly into my galvanized sap buckets. This room was decorated in less than 10 minutes, just the way I like it.
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